Zeke Boyle, left, of Callicoon, NY, and Niall Barrett, of Narrowsburg, NY founded Beechwoods Barns in response to an outcome they’ve witnessed all too often: the loss of historic barns that frame America’s rural landscape.
These men combine years of construction expertise and master wood crafting skills with a reverence for old barns. Although they have taken different career paths their respect and love for wood and preservation has brought them together on many projects throughout the years that they have been friends - culminating in the creation of Beechwoods Barns, Ltd.

Charles (Zeke) Boyle grew up on a dairy farm in the Upper Delaware River valley. As a young man He divided his time between working on period “conch houses” in Key West FL and historic homes in the river valley, work that earned him many restoration awards. In the mid 1970s a barn slated for demolition became the framework of his home.
While he continued to work on various historic projects the pull of antique barns and the combination of old growth wood and old world craftsmanship inherent in them was too much to resist. Zeke has been a historic restoration contractor and consultant for over 20 years. Some of his clients include the National Park Service, artist/writer Shel Silverstein and the Mohonk Preserve.

Niall Barrett immigrated to America from Ireland with his family in his teens. Living first in Connecticut, then New York City and eventually ending up in Sullivan County, NY. As the owner of Avalon Studios, he has been building custom furniture for over 25 years, creating custom furniture and cabinetry for both residential and commercial clients.
Niall's work has been displayed in woodworking exhibitions, on television and appeared in numerous publications. He is also the author of several books on woodworking and many magazine articles. Niall has presented numerous seminars and workshops at woodworking shows & exhibitions, guilds and association meetings around the country.