An all too familiar scenario, this classic "New World Dutch Barn" in Walden, NY stood directly in the path of a housing development. Constructed in the 1780's from oak, chestnut and hickory the hand hewn frame of large soaring posts and massive swing beams with projecting tenons spoke volumes of the character and integrity of craftmanship used to construct it.

After tagging and coding all the original components of the frame, the barn was carefully dismantled. In a simple reversal of the construction process, whatever was put on at the end e.g. the roof, comes off first. The large frame sections come last, carefully lowered by crane.

Shipped to the new site, cleaned and repaired of any rot, the timbers are reconstructed in much the same fashion with large wood pegs (trunnels or "treenails") as they were more than two centuries before.

Hand troweled plaster walls, polished concrete floors and reclaimed old growth wood trim accentuate the spatial relationships and pleasing proportions that were more the rule than the exception in 18th and 19th century barns.

From the first step into that dark and dusty barn interior to its new incarnation we at Beechwoods Barns draw upon our decades of experience to help make your project as rewarding and fullfilling for you as it is for us.